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How to Determine and Copy Your Writing Style

Teach backplain to write using your writing style.

[Last updated: September 10, 2023]

This is a tutorial to help you get a better understanding of how to use backplain to determine what your or your company's style of writing is and have it duplicate that style for new content. It can be used for various functions, but it is more a method to demonstrate how to get backplain to define words in a way that it can understand for future prompts.

The flow goes like this:

1. Ask backplain to determine your or your company's style.

2. Ask backplain to condense that style in a way that it can understand.

3. Ask backplain to write something in that style.

Simple... let's get started!

Although the tutorial is about determining your own writing style, this can be used to determine any writing sample you include.

In the case of all backplain tutorials we start with a prompt in a New Chat. Let's tell backplain what we want it to do for us initially:

Summarize the writing style below, by describing the writer's voice using an X:Y list, where X is the subject and Y is the description, as demonstrated in this example: "Vocabulary: description of vocabulary tendencies would go here" Analyze the author's style, tone, vocabulary, grammar, Rhetorical Devices, Content Patterns, and Values. Describe these extensively without giving any specific examples. Use the text below for your analysis that could be applied to any piece or topic this author might write:

[Insert your writing sample here]

There is a reason I added the X:Y list. I want to use the response to further refine the style in a way we can use it with backplain. Later in the article I will detail another prompt that is simple and effective for an analysis of your writing style in and of itself, but for this purpose I need the list in a specific format. 

Notice how, after asking for the X:Y list where X is the subject and Y is the description, I also taught the LLM using an example so it would know how to format the reply. This technique is referred to as a 'template'. It helps to organize and present responses in a clear and concise manner.

I used a writing sample from a chapter in my novel and got the following result:

Writing Style Analysis:

Subject: Tone Description: The writer's tone is vivid and immersive, employing descriptive language to create a detailed and atmospheric setting.

Subject: Vocabulary Description: The writer's vocabulary is evocative and imaginative, utilizing words that paint vivid mental images and engage the senses.

Subject: Grammar Description: The writer's grammar is generally clear and straightforward, but they occasionally use sentence fragments and short, punchy sentences to add emphasis and create a sense of urgency.

Subject: Rhetorical Devices Description: The writer employs imagery and sensory details to immerse the reader in the scene. There is a hint of foreshadowing, building suspense and curiosity about the characters' predicament.

Subject: Content Patterns Description: The writing follows a pattern of alternating between dream sequences and the character's current reality. The dream sequences are vivid and surreal, while the real-life scenes are tense and suspenseful.

Subject: Values Description: The writing suggests a focus on themes of survival, resourcefulness, and camaraderie. The characters exhibit qualities of resilience and wit, and there is a hint of underlying danger and conflict.

Overall, the writer's voice in this piece is captivating and engaging. The use of descriptive language and sensory details transports the reader into the world of the story, allowing them to experience the protagonist's dreams and struggles firsthand. The alternating dream sequences and real-life scenes create a compelling structure that keeps the reader intrigued and invested in the outcome. The tone conveys a sense of urgency and suspense, while the character interactions reveal hints of camaraderie and cunning. The writing style effectively draws the reader into a mysterious and dangerous world, leaving them eager to learn more about the characters and the challenges they face.

Now, that helps me to understand some things about my writing, but it's way too wordy. Let's ask backplain to simplify:

Now, please keep each response to ten words or less.

Straightforward, and I am presented with summary response:

Style Analysis:

Tone: Vivid, immersive.

Vocabulary: Evocative, imaginative.

Grammar: Clear, occasional urgency.

Rhetorical Devices: Imagery, sensory details.

Content Patterns: Dreams and reality alternate.

Values: Survival, resilience, camaraderie.

Overall: Engaging, suspenseful, captivating.

That's something I can use! I can simply add that style to any prompt where I'm asking backplain to create content for me:

Write a short story for 9 year-olds about a time travelling Uncle who travels back to the middle-ages and gets in trouble so his nephew has to save him to get back to their normal timeline. Use the following style:

Tone: Vivid, immersive.

Vocabulary: Evocative, imaginative.

Grammar: Clear, occasional urgency.

Rhetorical Devices: Imagery, sensory details.

Content Patterns: Dreams and reality alternate.

Values: Survival, resilience, camaraderie.

Overall: Engaging, suspenseful, captivating.


Write a 250-word blog about travelling to Tennessee and visiting the Great Smoky Mountain National Park in the following style:

Tone: Vivid, immersive.

Vocabulary: Evocative, imaginative.

Grammar: Clear, occasional urgency.

Rhetorical Devices: Imagery, sensory details.

Content Patterns: Dreams and reality alternate.

Values: Survival, resilience, camaraderie.

Overall: Engaging, suspenseful, captivating.

You get the idea. The results will vary and with all things AI LLM, you'll need to validate, modify, and make sure it suits your needs. The 250-word blog was a little too 'dreamy' for me, but there were some jewels in there:

As you embark on this adventure, prepare to be swept away by the park's evocative beauty. The dense canopy of ancient trees conceals a world of enchantment, where the air is thick with the scent of pine and earth. Every step is a revelation, each trail a new chapter in your exploration.

If you're goal is to simply understand what your style or your marketing style is, using the X:Y template method isn't always necessary. You can simply ask backplain to give you an analysis:

Please analyze the writing style of the following text and provide insights into the author's voice, tone, use of literary devices, and any recurring themes or patterns. Describe these extensively without giving specific examples. Use the following sample:

[Insert your writing sample here]