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Getting started as an administrator

What to expect when you first start using backplain as a new administrator.

[Last updated: July 14, 2023]

These features are applicable to administrators on all subscription levels.

After registering your organization with backplain, there are several configurations options you should work through before inviting your users to enhance their work with AI. Making certain your Compliance settings and Terms and Conditions are defined will be beneficial during deployment. We highly recommend you review the following at a minimum.

Step 1 - Configure the Services and Models available

Select the services you want to offer your end users. In the settings panel, which you can access by selecting the backplain logo in the upper left corner of the main page, select [Services].

We've made it as simple as possible for those who would like to offer their users any and all AI models to choose from. Simply select the services that you want them to use, you'll see a green check mark appear.

Expect many more services and models in the future. You'll want to come back to this section frequently.

For some services there are multiple models, each model has advantages that are distinct from others, and we have done our best to identify those in their descriptions. You can select or deselect models within a service. For example, if there is a desire to avoid ChatGPT 4 altogether, simply select the OpenAI service and deselect ChatGPT 4.

After you've selected all services and models that you'd like your users to have at their disposal, click Continue and you'll be brought back to the main settings dashboard where you can move on to step 2.

Step 2 - Review and Update Terms and Conditions

We provide you with a generic T&C for your users to acknowledge. Select the [Terms and Conditions] button to view the default document. If there is a need to use a specific document for your users to acknowledge before they can use the tool, simply click the [Choose File] button and upload the document that suits your company's needs. Once uploaded, verify its content and select the [update] button. Select the [back] button to get back to the Main settings page. There is only one more thing to do before we start inviting your users...

Step 3 - Compliance Settings

At backplain, we work to make your administration as simple as possible. Under the Compliance section of the settings page, when you select the [Compliance Settings] button, you will be presented with an Open Ai Moderation toggle option. You can select the drop down on the right to see what filters this immediately blocks for your users. When turned on, backplain will utilize these moderation categories to block users from getting results when they are used in prompts.

Prompts that fall within these categories and are blocked will be visible in the settings page under Compliance Alerts.

There will be options for custom filters that you'll be able to define for your particular industry in the future. 

Now that Services have been selected, Terms and Conditions have been defined and Complaince settings have been turned on (or left off), let's work on getting some users in here.

Step 4 - Inviting and managing users

On the Main settings page, not surprisingly, the button to manage users is named [Users]. Once selected, you'll find once again that backplain works to make the administration of users simple. You should see your account listed with your email address, your role as admin, and an active status. In the upper right you'll notice the [Invite User] button. Once clicked, you'll simply enter the name as you would like it displayed when the user connects and their email address. If they are a normal user who will be using the service, leave their Role as member and select Send. If they are here to help you with administering backplain, select the dropdown in the [Member] box and select Admin. 

If there is a need to remove a user, simply select the ellipsis under the Actions column in the user's row. An action menu will appear and give you a delete option.

The user, once invited, will receive an invitation email and, when clicked, will be directed to a page where they will enter their email address, create a password, and acknowledge the T&C you completed and updated in Step 2. Once in, they will select New Chat and start enhancing their work with backplain. It will also generate activity which will allow you to see analytics data in the Reports section of the main settings page.

Step 5 - View reports

Clicking the [Reports] tile on the main Settings page brings you to the Reports page. You'll be brought immediately to the Usage page where you'll be able to view the heaviest users in your company, the AI models they use most frequently, and several charts of historical and trending data based on your users' activities in the app. Hover over any chart and its data and you'll get a deeper view into the data presented there.

At the top of the page is a tabbed menu. Select Cost and you'll be presented with Charts detailing the Token statistics, including who is using how many tokens and the token consumption per AI service and day.

Finally, the technical tab is where we put the charts for data and analytics you didn't know you needed. There are more detailed usage reports, analytics that trend over time, and response times for the AI services themselves.

As your user base grows, the reports will grow.

Step 6 - Support and Feedback

Once you return to the main page, you will notice the [Support and Feedback] link under the new chat section. This is your opportunity to inform us when issues arise and offer suggestions that will improve the service. We want to improve and offer services that make you and your users' work more efficient and better. We welcome new ideas and want to address issues as quickly as we become aware of them. That button is the entry into helping us and helping your users. 

Final - More to come

Expect backplain to grow over time as well. We are constantly working to improve the user and the admin experience and the service itself. Our roadmap is full of novel ideas and as we roll those out, expect changes to the steps described above. We'll work to continuously update these KB articles to address the new features.

We can't thank you enough for helping to bring compliant AI to your company.